Through a dance/art based approach, iLAND is building an educational program that facilitates the growth of an informed and aware public who become actively engaged in their role as citizens to build stronger, more vital communities, reflecting a global consciousness of the earth’s interconnectedness through ecosystems and creative thought. The company has taught in a variety of educational situations, including the Artist in Residency Program at the New York Foundation for the Arts (1993-94) and the Public Imaginations Project at Dance Theater Workshop (2003-05), and has collaborated with El Puente Academy of Peace and Justice on two separate outdoor performances focusing on local historical and community issues. In the most recent BIRD BRAIN migrational dance tour, the company developed an educational resource guide for third through sixth graders that integrated the study of migration and navigation with movement. Elementary school students participated in BIRD BRAIN performance events along the migration route (2004) as well as in the company’s most recent production of Flight of Mind (2005). The educational component is important as a means to educate wider and diverse communities about ways to create sustainable environments in the arts and in urban landscapes. iLAND will continue to work within the NYC school system and other local community networks through artist in residence activities.
Read more about this project and download the resource guide here.